Biomedical Engineering Faculty

Mohammad Reza Abidian
Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2022
Phone 713-743-0869
Email mabidian [at] uh.edu

Metin Akay
John S Dunn Endowed Chair Professor
Office Location SERC 2028
Phone 832-842-8813
Email makay [at] uh.edu

Muayyad Al-Ubaidi
Moores Professor
Office Location SERC 2005
Phone 713-743-1648
Email malubaid [at] central.uh.edu

Ran An
Assistant Professor
Office Location HBS2 8004
Phone 713-743-2061
Email ran [at] uh.edu

Yuncheng Du
Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2007
Phone 713-743-7933
Email ydu19 [at] central.uh.edu

Joe Francis
Office Location HBS 444
Phone 713-743-0985
Email jtfrancis [at] uh.edu

Howard Gifford
Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2006
Phone 832-842-8715
Email hgifford [at] uh.edu

Renita Horton
Assistant Professor
Office Location SERC 2012
Phone 713-743-0997
Email rehorton [at] Central.UH.EDU

Kirill Larin
Interim ChairCullen Endowed Chair and Professor
Office Location SERC 2027
Phone 832-842-8834
Email klarin [at] uh.edu

Zhengwei Li
Assistant Professor
Office Location Health2, 8010A
Phone 713-743-2684
Email zli65 [at] central.uh.edu

Sheereen Majd
Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2021
Phone 713-743-0866
Email smajd9 [at] uh.edu

Chandra Mohan
Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Endowed Professor
Office Location SERC 2004
Phone 713-743-3709
Email cmohan [at] central.uh.edu

Muna Naash
John S Dunn Endowed Professor
Office Location SERC 2003
Phone 713-743-1651
Email mnaash [at] central.uh.edu

Andrew Nordin
Assistant Professor
Office Location SERC 2020
Email adnordin [at] central.uh.edu

Jinsook Roh
Director of Graduate ProgramAssociate Professor
Office Location SERC 2011
Phone 713-743-2578
Email jroh [at] uh.edu

Jerome Schultz
Distinguished Professor
Office Location SERC 2010
Phone 713-743-4098
Email jschult4 [at] central.uh.edu

Sergey Shevkoplyas
Office Location SERC 2009
Phone 713-743-5696
Email sshevkop [at] central.uh.edu

Aaryani Tipirneni-Sajja
Associate Professor
Office Location HBS2 8038
Phone 713-743-0733
Email asajja [at] central.uh.edu

Lu Wang
Assistant Professor
Office Location RM 1309, 5055 Medical Cir, Houston, TX 77204
Phone 713-743-3844
Email lwang71 [at] central.uh.edu

Tianfu Wu
Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2008
Phone 713-743-0142
Email twu13 [at] central.uh.edu

Ali Yousefi
Associate Professor
Office Location HBS 360
Email aliyousefi [at] central.uh.edu
Faculty with Joint BME Appointments

Venkatesh Balan
Associate Professor, Technology Division
Phone 713-743-6640
Email vbalan [at] uh.edu

Yi-Chao Chen
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Phone 713-743-4533
Email chen [at] uh.edu

Patrick Cirino
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 713-743-1496
Email pccirino [at] uh.edu

Jose L. Contreras-Vidal
Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone 713-743-4429
Email jlcontreras-vidal [at] uh.edu

Mini Das
Professor, Physics
Phone 713-743-3539
Email mdas [at] uh.edu

Vallabh Das
Professor, Optometry
Phone 713-743-3292
Email vdas [at] central.uh.edu

Matthew A. Franchek
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Phone 713-743-2758
Email mfranchek [at] uh.edu

Ioannis Kakadiaris
Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Professor, Computer Science
Phone 713-743-1255
Email ioannisk [at] uh.edu

Fatima A. Merchant
Professor, Technology Division
Phone 713-743-8292
Email fmerchant [at] uh.edu

Lauri Nurminen
Assistant Professor, Optometry
Phone 713-743-7960
Email lonurminen [at] uh.edu

Luca Pollonini
Associate Professor, Technology Division
Phone 713-743-4159
Email lpollonini [at] uh.edu

Jason Porter
Associate Professor, Optometry
Phone 713-743-1806
Email jporter [at] central.uh.edu

Paul Ruchhoeft
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone 713-743-4485
Email pruchhoeft [at] uh.edu

Wei-Chuan Shih
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone 713-743-4454
Email wshih [at] central.uh.edu

Navin Varadarajan
M.D. Anderson Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 713-743-1691
Email nvaradarajan [at] uh.edu

Richard Willson
Huffington-Woestemeyer Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone 713-743-4308
Email willson [at] uh.edu

George Zouridakis
Claude E. Shannon Professor, Information Science Technology
Phone 713-743-8656
Email zouridakis [at] uh.edu
Faculty with Adjunct BME Appointments

Irina Larina
Adjunct Professor
Office Location Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, S434
Email larina [at] bcm.edu

Alexander Oraevsky
Adjunct ProfessorPresident and Chief Technology Officer at TomoWave Laboratories, Inc.
Office Location 6550 Mapleridge Street, Suite 124
Phone 713-270-5393
Email ao [at] tomowave.com
Research and Instructional Faculty

Salavat Aglyamov
Research Assistant Professor
Office Location HBS 340
Email saglyamo [at] central.uh.edu

Yasemin Akay
Instructional Associate Professor
Office Location SERC 2023
Phone 832-842-8840
Email ymakay [at] uh.edu

Anto Sam Crosslee Louis Sam Titus
Research Assistant Professor
Office Location SERC E2004A
Email crosslee [at] central.uh.edu

Manmohan Singh
Research Assistant Professor
Office Location HBS 342
Email msingh [at] central.uh.edu

Lars Tebbe
Research Assistant Professor
Office Location SERC E2004A
Email ltebbe [at] central.uh.edu